
The word ‘firebone’ is sometimes used to describe the energy, focus and motivation people conjure up in themselves, in their minds, to perform amazing feats of strength, daring, skill or endurance. Much like having a burning desire or force within their bodies or bones that push them to excel. People that can summon this kind of inner strength and purpose are thought to have fire in their bones. Many professional athletes, daredevils, adventurers, extreme sports participants often exude firebone characteristics. Surfers, skateboarders, motorcyclists, motor racing drivers, BMX riders, MTB riders, Parkour, Paragliders, Kite surfers all exude firebone personalities. Firebone strengths can also been seen in emergency workers, soldiers and those that perform at the highest levels in their chosen sport or profession.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to firebone. Some of the top words include: Chops, grit, strenf, togo, bustin' some tail-skins, and 25 more.